Twist of Fate (Baht Oyunu) Season 1 Episode 6 S01E06

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  • 9.7
  • Action
  • 2021
  • 1 h 42 min
  • 16+

Bora, seeing Rüzgar in Ada's House, leaves without waiting for an explanation. Ada goes after Bora and tries to explain the situation, but clearing Bora's suspicions will not be easy for Ada. Trying to find out the source of the 'white marriage' article, Celal wants to visit the company and meet with Tuğçe. Celal meets Bora when he cannot find Tuğçe. What Celal, who has increased his visits to the company, does not know is that Ada and Rüzgar work there. The team decides to go to a relationship camp to research for a new article. Bora, Ada, Tuğçe, and Rüzgar join the relationship camp for two days to observe. Little jealousy arises between Bora and Ada, who go to the camp as a couple. Feeling remorseful for not being honest with Bora, Ada decides to tell the truth. Will Ada gather her courage and confess her past with Rüzgar to Bora?

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